BEHOLD! INSTRUCTIONS - Prices, Rules, Norms and Statistical Data for Dr Jason Betts's IQ Tests





            CHECK 1. First time only: Have you included a government/official ID card or passport?

            CHECK 2. First time only: Give a webpage which shows your legal name and your email:

            CHECK 3. First/Updating: List all of your previous IQ test names and your results please:

            CHECK 4: My format is to use only two full names. What are your two full names please?

            CHECK 5: Pay first and then send all of your answers. Have you paid the fee with paypal?        

            CHECK 6. All items must be answered, lest fee loss. Put your answers here, one item/line:


2.         Submissions:   Send tests/Paypal payments to: or

            Email format:  Send the item number and answer on a new line inside the email; no attachments.


3.         Please include all of your previous IQ tests and IQ scores as this helps calibrate the tests further.

            A vertical list is the most helpful in the format: Lux25, Betts 132 (preferred format is in SD15).


4.         In 2011 my tests were $33 AUD, then rose to $44 in 2014. The max price will be my age in $.

            New Prices: $1 per (# of previous submissions), up to $50 for 50+ submissions with certificate.


5.         Only data from the first submission is used; only one submission is allowed for all tests. Outliers

            indicates the number of dat¾ that have been removed from the norming averages, not histogram.


6.         The Linear Fit (LF) are running estimations of each test and are not IQ results. They are a guide

            and should not be used. Official IQ test results are only given after normings via one's certificate.


7.         An IQ score certificate is sent out on the first norming estimated at 30 submissions and not before.

            The score on it is based on the norming data at that time; for current norms check back to this file.


8.         There is only one correct and exact answer for every item. Ensure you spell it correctly to the letter.

            If the answer required is MICROS then MICRO and MICRON are wrong because you missed a clue.


9.         No communication about the answers will be entered into. My judgement is total, absolute and final.

            All persons are marked against the same answers, and in that regard, the same submitted IQ data set.


10.       This will really entice me to keep my norms updated on a regular basis so the costs are updated too!

            The incentive arising from this means that the sooner you do one of my tests - the cheaper it will be!






(i) One should spend a total of one hour for every item that is on any high range IQ test; and, (ii) doubling that

amount of time will result in an increase of ten percent in the raw score of the number of items marked correct;

(iii) the amount of time a test designer should spend on each item is two hours per item on the whole test; and,

(iv) an increase in one's TrueIQ is expected to be 1 IQ point per year if the person is constantly taking IQ tests.

(v) the increment of IQ points per number of items right should be at least 1 for every SD of IQ range possible.






Different people have different types of intelligence and will perform differently on different types of test.

I am confident that my four best tests (Lux25, WIT, Mathema, Asterix) genuinely collectively measure g.

Your TrueIQ (g) is probably a combination of scores gained from a variety of IQ test types, for example:

Asterix (mathematical), Mathema (verbal/numerical), WIT (logical/reasoning) and the Lux25 (variety).





TrueIQ is the average general IQ of a person in all general and everyday situations. It is the average of all

of their types of intelligence (spacial, numerical, verbal, reasoning, symbollic, et cetera) for all of their life.

Generally, a person's TrueIQ will not change, however, an increase of 10% over 10 years is not unheard-of.


I will publish some data soon on TrueIQ, but so far it seems that many people whom have taken more than

20 tests from others may have a 20 or 30 point range from low to high will have only a 5 point range on my

tests, PLUS the average on mine is usually the same as the average of others' tests, to within 1 or 2 IQ points.

A TrueIQ certificate is issued for those that have taken these 4 tests and is a much stronger figure for your IQ.


TrueIQ sd 15  Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (), Outliers (0)         $FREE certificate










Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (16), Outliers (0)     $16 AUD


1                                              141      134      -           140      ****

2                                              148      148      -           144      *******

3                                              144      143      143      148      ***

4                                              -           -           -           153      *

5                                              -           -           -           157

6                                              167      167      167      161      *




Asterix*                                 FINAL NORM!


If you want to spend some thinking time then look at Asterix; this one can take you a week or so of spare time.

I describe it as mathematical and not just numerical as it contains many mathematical ideas, not just numbers.

In some ways, the simplicity of Asterix gives it great power and elegance while remaining totally culture-fair.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (174), Outliers (0)   $53 AUD


3                      139                  143      143      143      139      *

4                      140                  142      142      -           141      ***

5                      144                  144      145      145      144      ******************

6                      148                  148      148      149      147      ****************************************

7                      149                  148      149      149      149      ****************************

8                      153                  152      149      160      152      *****************************

9                      155                  154      155      156      155      ***********************

10                    158                  158      161      -           158      ***********

11                    160                  154      155      -           160      *******

12                    163                  -           -           -           163      ******

13                    166                  166      166      -           166      **

14                    168                  -           -           -           168

15                    171                  -           -           -           171

16                    174                  192      192      192      174      *






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (44), Outliers (1)     $44 AUD    fixstats


1                      139                  139      139      139      143      *

2                      144                  143      143      143      144      *

3                      145                  144      145      145      145      ******

4                      146                  149      150      153      146      ************

5                      147                  145      145      -           147      ******

6                      148                  148      149      145      148      ***********

7                      149                  146      145      -           149      *****

8                      150                  150      150      150      150      ***

9                      151                  151      151      151      151      *






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (21), Outliers (0)     $21 AUD


1                                              135      135      135      139      *

2                                              140      140      140      140      *

3                                              -           -           -           141

4                                              -           -           -           142

5                                              -           -           -           143

6                                              153      153      153      144      *

7                                              -           -           -           145

8                                              -           -           -           146

9                                              -           -           -           147      *

10                                            136      136      136      148      **

11                                            153      153      153      149      ****

12                                            146      145      -           150      ***

13                                            156      156      156      151      **

14                                            -           -           -           152      *

15                                            154      154      -           153      **

16                                            145      145      145      154      *

17                                            155      155      155      155      **






Canopus is a very difficult test. One would be better doing the Lux25 or the EZIQ tests first for practise.

The theme for Canopus is 'the heavens' and it is combination of word games, numbers and encryptions.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (18), Outliers (0)     $18 AUD


1                                              141      142      142      141      *****

2                                              142      142      143      143      ****

3                                              146      146      145      145      ****

4                                              156      156      156      148      **

5                                              144      144      144      151      *         

6                                              153      153      153      153      *

7                                              156      156      156      156      *






Circle is based on the theme of circles and is science and mathematically-based with a touch of mythology.

It is reasonably straightforward and is mostly of verbal logical-inductions with some simple mathematics.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (23), Outliers (2)     $23 AUD


0                      -                       133      136      -           -           ***

1                      143                  143      145      145      140      ****

2                      146                  146      145      143      146      ******

3                      151                  151      152      155      152      ******

4                      156                  156      156      -           158      ***

5                      166                  170      170      170      164      *






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (11), Outliers (0)     $11 AUD


0                                              135      135      135      131      *

1                                              140      140      140      135      ***

2                                              -           -           -           139

3                                              -           -           -           142

4                                              143      143      143      146      *

5                                              146      146      146      150      **

6                                              149      149      -           154      **

7                                              136      136      136      158      *

15                                            192      192      192      188      *






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (22), Outliers (2)     $22 AUD


2                                              120      120      120      132      *

3                                              -           -           -           134

4                                              -           -           -           136      *

5                                              139      139      139      138      **

6                                              142      142      -           140      **

7                                              145      145      -           142      ****

8                                              151      151      151      144      **

9                                              143      143      143      146      **

10                                            -           -           -           148      **

11                                            152      152      152      150      *****

12                                                                                152

13                                                                                154

14                                            151      151      151      156      *






This is a fun little test and a good place to start - three sections of ten questions, nice and easyish.

The words are simple, the patterns are clear and visual and the associated words are very common.

The EZIQ is probably my easiest word test and the best one for the non-genius to cut their teeth on.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (48), Outliers (2)     $48 AUD


5                      138                  137      137      137      139      *         

6                      140                  -           -           -           140     

7                      142                  144      144      144      141      *

8                      143                  145      147      -           142      ****

9                      144                  -           -           -           144      *

10                    145                  145      143      -           145      *****

11                    146                  147      148      -           146      ******

12                    147                  145      145      145      147      **********

13                    149                  148      150      -           149      *******

14                    151                  151      153      153      150      ****

15                    153                  156      156      -           151      **

16                    154                  158      158      -           154      ****

17                    155                  -           -           -           155     

18                    156                  153      153      156      156      ***






Flux is a new concept test, similar to Godel in question style in using the format of a mathematical function.

The object of the question is stated and then the nature of the core concept is stated in brackets, before the

first term and starting place for the 'flow of time' to be applied - how does each term change over time?


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (19), Outliers (0)     $19 AUD


4                                              144      144      144      141      *

5                                              -           -           -           142

6                                              -           -           -           143      *

7                                              -           -           -           144

8                                              139      139      -           145      **

9                                              153      153      153      146      *

10                                            149      149      -           147      ****

11                                            146      146      146      148      **

12                                            153      153      -           149      ****

13                                            153      153      -           150      **

14                                            -           -           -           151

15                                            156      156      156      152      *

16                                            145      145      145      153      *






Godel will be marked after 30 valid submissions. This is because answers will be derived from the submissions.

This experimental test is my attempt to measure the negative space of divergent thinking - and it is working!

Please have a philosophical ponder and ensure your answers are one word unless it requires two for clarity.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (35), Outliers (0)     $35 AUD

about to be normed!






Hiqu is a beautiful test of metaphor and poetry using the Japanese Haiku format with the last word missing.

The syllables of each phrase are 5-7-5 and thereby telling you the number of syllables contained in the answer.

Search for 'Zen clarity'. Sometimes it is the obvious word that is correct and othertimes it may be the allusiory.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (8), Outliers (0)       $8 AUD


1                                              145      145      145      147      *

2                                              -           -           -           149

3                                              -           -           -           150

4                                              149      148      -           152      ****

5                                              143      143      143      154      *

6                                              155      155      155      156      *

7                                              146      146      146      157      *






This is a fun little thinking test where the answers (except one) can be seen on a standard English keyboard.

This means they are either capital letters, punctuation or symbols of some kind. It is very logical and accurate.

As each symbol can only be used once it acts as an internal clue system as many questions may point similarly.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (28), Outliers (1)     $28 AUD


0                                              -           -           -           <135    *

1                                              140      140      -           139      *****

2                                              147      151      -           143      ********

3                                              149      149      -           147      ****

4                                              151      151      -           151      **

5                                              -           -           -           154      ***

6                                              -           -           -           158      *

7                                              146      146      146      162      *

14                                            192      192      192      188      *






Logix is an easy science-based test of word associations and logical inferences - some lateral thinking required.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (22), Outliers (0)     $22 AUD


1                                              137      137      137      136      *

2                                              142      142      142      139      *

3                                              140      140      140      141      **

4                                              -           -           -           143

5                                              146      146      -           146      ****

6                                              149      149      -           148      ****

7                                              150      150      -           150      ***

8                                              155      155      155      153      *

9                                              155      160      160      155      ***

10                                            145      145      145      157      **






L'Orange is a fun little test with an orange theme of 16 simple logical inductions based on high school topics.

It is reasonably straighforward but highly complex in it's reasoning, requiring both lateral and logical thinking.

The answers are factual, neat and tidy and somewhat elegant. I am very sure you will enjoy researching for it.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (44), Outliers (0)     $44 AUD


1                      141                  145      145      145      141      *

2                      143                  143      143      -           143      ***

3                      145                  146      146      -           145      ****

4                      147                  146      145      145      147      ************

5                      149                  155      156      -           149      ********

6                      151                  150      153      -           151      ******

7                      153                  154      157      -           152      ******

8                      154                  149      149      149      154      *

9                      156                  160      160      160      156      **

10                    158                  165      165      165      158      *




Lux25                                     FINAL NORM!


Many people can do the Lux25 in 10 minutes and score well, however, time is required for items 11 to 15.

It is quick because it tests by education, knowledge and thinking as well as patterns and basic word-logics.

It uses classes (both common and alien) and also has higher-order of complexity verbal logical-inferences.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn   Mode   LF       Score Histogram (175), Outliers (5)    $53 AUD


3                      110                  110      110      110      125      *

4                      120                  120      120      120      127      *

5                      130                  131      131      131      130      **

6                      133                  134      134      -           133      *****

7                      136                  130      130      -           136      ****

8                      139                  139      139      139      139      ******************

9                      142                  143      143      143      142      ***********************

10                    144                  144      144      147      144      ************************

11                    147                  148      147      147      147      ***************************

12                    150                  150      150      150      150      ***********************

13                    153                  153      153      153      153      *********************

14                    156                  156      157      157      156      **************

15                    158                  157      156      156      158      *******

16                    161                  157      156      156      161      **

17                    164                  -           -           -           164      *

25                    192                  192      192      192      187      *




Mathema                               FINAL NORM!


Mathema will take you a week or so because you have to understand the problem before you can answer it.

Working out what the problem is IS the problem and takes time, while answering it will only take seconds.

Mathema has the most precision and lowest accuracy, reliably measuring your IQ in 10-point graduations.

It tests mathematical skill and knowledge, numerical pattern intelligence and verbal-logical  reasoning.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (184), Outliers (1)   $53 AUD


2                      138                  141      143      -           138      ******

3                      142                  140      139      141      142      **************

4                      146                  148      148      145      146      *************************************

5                      150                  150      150      150      150      ****************************************************

6                      154                  154      154      154      154      *************************************************

7                      158                  157      158      158      158      *****************

8                      162                  160      160      -           162      *****

9                      166                  165      165      165      167      *

10                    170                  -           -           -           170

11                    174                  -           -           -           174

12                    178                  192      192      192      178      *         




Numeric Intelligence Test


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (8), Outliers (0)       $8 AUD


1                                              140      140      140      137      *

2                                              143      143      143      141      *

3                                              144      144      -           145      **

4                                              -           -           -           149

5                                              156      156      156      154      *

6                                              160      160      160                  *

9                                              160      160      160      171      *

12                                            192      192      192      184      *






Numerix is a mathematically-challenging test of logic, arithmetic and algebraic skill in calculation.

Pencil, calculator and lots of paper will be required. Drawing the problem visually will greatly help.

Exactly answer the exact questions that are asked. E.g. can only cross one ocean between continents.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (11), Outliers (0)     $11 AUD


1                                                                                  136     

2                                                                                  140

3                                                                                  144

4                                                                                  148

5                                                                                  153

6                                                                                  157

7                                                                                  161

8                                                                                  165






This is a test for psychic's Psi-Q, using the same statistical rarity for IQ except based on probability and not IQ.

Obviously as a once-of event this is for interest only and has no statistical thoroughness or confidence in any way.

However, it may be of some interest as a remote viewing or ESP exercise. It seems that IQ does not make psychic!


Correct            PSIQ sd 15      Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (61), Outliers (0)     $52 AUD


1                      70                    156      156      -           145      ****

2                      85                    144      146      148      146      **************

3                      100                  147      148      148      147      *********************

4                      115                  152      152      151      148      *********

5                      130                  149      148      -           149      ***********

6                      145                  153      153      153      150      *

7                      153

8                      160

9                      168

10                    175

11                    181

12                    188

13                    194

14                    200






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (47), Outliers (3)     $47 AUD


2                      139                  138      138      138      140      *

3                      141                  146      146      146      142      **

4                      143                  145      145      145      144      ***

5                      145                  145      145      146      146      *********

6                      147                  147      147      147      147      ***********

7                      149                  151      153      -           149      ******

8                      151                  151      150      -           151      ******

9                      153                  152      151      -           153      ****

10                    155                  155      155      155      154      ***

11                    156                  150      150      150      156      *

12                    158                  -           -           -           158      *






This is a novel way to measure one's reasoning and pattern-logic. It is simple and very straightfoward.

Simply select a number from 1 to 9 for the box that you think makes the simplest pattern of complexity.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (64), Outliers (2)     $53 AUD


11                    129                  140      140      140      128      *

12                    130

13                    131

14                    132

15                    133

16                    134

17                    135                  123      123      123      135      *

18                    136

19                    137                  144      144      144      137      **

20                    138                  141      141      -           138      ****

21                    139                  139      139      139      139      **

22                    140                  144      144      144      140      **

23                    141                  144      144      144      141      **

24                    143                  147      147      -           143      *****

25                    144                  -           -           -           144     

26                    145                  145      143      -           145      ***     

27                    146                  145      143      -           146      *****

28                    147                  151      151      151      147      **

29                    148                  150      150      -           148      ***

30                    150                  145      145      -           150      *******

31                    151                  148      148      -           151      ****

32                    152                  153      153      -           152      ******

33                    153                  150      152      153      153      *********

34                    154                  152      152      152      154      **

35                    155                  150      150      -           155      **

36                    156                  155      155      155      156      *

45                    168                  192      192      192      168      *






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (18), Outliers (1)     $18 AUD


0                      <144                138      138      138                  *

1                      144                  144      144      140      144      *****

2                      148                  148      148      -           148      *****

3                      150                  149      149      -           151      ****

4                      154                  170      170      170      154      *

5                      157                                                      157      *

6                      160                  152      152      152      160      *







Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (1), Outliers (0)       $1 AUD


0                                                                                  *
















Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (5), Outliers (0)       $5 AUD


0                                              135      135      135      135      **

1                                              140      140      140      138      *

2                                              137      137      137      141      *

3                                              -           -           -           144

4                                              145      145      145      147      *




World Intelligence Test       FINAL NORM!


WIT can also be done in a very short amount of time; the second highest score of 33/40 (175 IQ) was achieved

in only 5 hours, and this is okay because this person has several scores over 172. The top scorer for WIT spent

many hours researching it and achieved 35/40 (181 IQ), having achieved several test scores over 190 IQ. If you

want a quick test that you think you can easily beat, try WIT. The reason it works is because it is a test of logic

and reasoning, using IQ to sort out what question it is and what the answer is NOT. All items have been solved.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (284), Outliers (2)   $53 AUD


10                    130                  130      130      130      130      **

11                    131                  -           -           -                      

12                    132                  129      129      129      134      **

13                    134                  139      139      -           136      ***

14                    136                  136      136      136      137      *

15                    138                  139      139      -           139      ***

16                    139                  139      139      139      140      *****

17                    141                  140      143      -           141      ********

18                    143                  145      145      -           143      *********

19                    144                  143      142      -           144      ****************

20                    145                  144      145      145      146      ***************

21                    147                  147      148      151      147      *****************

22                    149                  151      152      152      149      ***********************************

23                    150                  150      149      149      150      *********************************

24                    152                  152      152      151      152      *********************************

25                    153                  150      151      145      153      ************************

26                    154                  153      151      151      155      **************************

27                    156                  156      156      -           156      ********************

28                    158                  158      159      -           158      *************

29                    160                  161      161      -           160      *******

30                    163                  158      160      -           161      ******

31                    165                  165      165      165      162      *

32                    167                                                      164

33                    170                  172      172      172      165      *

34                    175                                                      167      *

35                    180                  192      192      192      168      *

36                    185                  166      166      166      170      *

37                    190                 




World Intelligence Test Two


WITT is another extension of the WIT but just a bit harder, trickier and full of traps, snares and pitfalls!

Please take the necessary time to understand all of the deeper meanings so you get a chance to use your IQ.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (58), Outliers (5)     $53 AUD


4                      135                  151      151      151      135      *

5                      136                                                      136

6                      138                                                      138

7                      139                  -           -           -           139      *

8                      140                  -           -           -           140      *

9                      142                  141      144      144      142      *****

10                    143                  143      144      -           143      ****

11                    144                  145      145      144      144      ******

12                    146                  150      150      -           146      ****

13                    147                  145      145      -           147      ****

14                    149                  150      151      153      148      ******

15                    150                  149      147      -           150      *********

16                    151                  150      150      -           151      *******

17                    153                  154      153      -           153      ****

18                    154                  154      154      -           154      ***

19                    156                  157      157      -           156      **




World Intelligence Test Thricey


WITTY is the third installation of the WIT but more personal and a bit darker from my healing journey.

A slightly different format, it integrates some basic wordplay, cryptology and the usual witty reasoning.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (29), Outliers (2)     $29 AUD


6                      144                  144      144      -           144      ***

7                      146                  152      152      152      146      *

8                      147                  146      146      -           147      ****

9                      149                  149      149      148      149      *****

10                    151                  162      162      162      151      *

11                    152                  149      147      -           152      ****

12                    153                  146      146      146      153      *

13                    154                  154      154      154      154      **

14                    155                  155      155      155      155      ****

15                    157                  -           -           -           156      *

16                    159                  160      160      160      158      **

17                    161                  163      163      163      160      **






Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (0), Outliers (0)       $0 AUD







This is for those wishing to practise up before Zen, using all manner of simple (?) logical inferences in Latin.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (13), Outliers (0)     $13 AUD


2                                              147                              130      **

3                                              137      137      137      133      **

4                                              140      140      140      136      *

5                                              -           -           -           139      *

6                                              151      155      -           142      ***

7                                              -           -           -           145      ***

8                                              145      145      145      148      *






Chromatrix is a clear and culture-fair test of painting-by-numbers, limited to the rainbow plus black and white.

Solutions are drawn from the fields of light, colour, ¾sthetics, logic, mathematics and my occasional whimsy.

Ensure that your answers are one digit from 0 to 8 and on a new line next to the item numbers from 1 to 27.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (38), Outliers (0)     $38 AUD


4                                              137      137      137      134      *

5                                              -           -           -           135

6                                              140      140      140      137      *

7                                              -           -           -           138      *

8                                              -           -           -           140     

9                                              156      156      156      142      *

10                                            -           -           -           143     

11                                            152      152      152      145      ***

12                                            -           -           -           146      **

13                                            150      144      -           148      ****

14                                            148      146      -           150      *******

15                                            148      145      -           151      ******

16                                            148      147      147      153      *****

17                                            153      153      -           154      ****

18                                            149      149      149      156      **

19                                            -           -           -           157

20                                            -           -           -           159      *

21                                            -           -           -           161

22                                            -           -           -           162

23                                            -           -           -           164

24                                            192      192      192      165      *






Zen is a simple logical set of four koans in Latin based on the four elements.

Once understood, the questions present as "this causes this as that causes that".

Two submissions are recommended to achieve your potential on these problems.


Correct            IQ sd 15          Mean   Medn  Mode  LF       Score Histogram (58), Outliers (0)     $53 AUD


0                      <155                135      145      147      144      **********************

1                      155                  155      156      159      155      **************************

2                      167                  167      165      -           167      *********

3                      178                  -           -           -           178

4                      190                  180      180      180      190      *         





Jason Betts' High Range IQ Test Concept Genius Creations and Personal Innovations!

The best qualities to look for in high-range tests is accuracy, quickness/efficiency and elegance of concept.


¥ TrueIQ - a collective measure of overall <g> IQ performance.

¥ bysl3x - created the AB¥CD form to denote: A is to B, as C is to D.

¥ Asterix - created a test with using only one character, the Asterix (*).

¥ Comix - created a new format { A |  B ( B&C ) C | D } with shared clues.

¥ Interrobang - created a test with all answers being only of one character in length.

¥ Gšdel - created a new format A : B = f{question} to describe divergent negative space.

¥ Alchemix - first to use the triple colon (:::) in searching for the next sequential or missing item.

¥ NIT - created the first test using numbers as item content as a common associations-class question.

¥ ZEN - first person to use Latin translation as the whole of a test, which, funnily enough, seems to be working.

¥ Betts' Law - defined the relationship of score improvement as a function of time invested for high-range tests.

¥ PSIQ - use of IQ statistical rarity to measure PSI-Q in the same way, ie. 1/1,000 probability = 146 PSIQ sd 15.






TIPS & HINTS           -           How to answer some of Jason's extra-tricky cryptic logical inductions correctly!


Ensure that the language and the context of the answer is consistant with the logic and phrasing of the question.

These questions are of the format A : B  ::  C : D,                 A is to B,  as C is to D       but with maybe 4 clues!

For example, PAPAW : LEMON  ::  ORANGE : ?               Papaya is a tint of Orange, as Lemon is of Yellow.

Another clue is number of letters: 5 : 5  ::  6 : 6,   and finally, P/L are consonants, contra to O/Y being vowels.


001)     Ask, What do A and B have in common? This is the most important thing. List as many as you can!

010)     Then work out the process of going from A to B. Does this process relate to C in any way? How?

011)     If yes, can this process be applied to C? If yes, does answer D relate to B in any way? Clues?

100)     Do this for all possible solutions of how A and B relate, and then test them against C to D.

101)     Assess each working answer for elegance, spelling, word play, symmetry, simplicity and patterns.





Do not look at the second half of the problem UNTIL you have worked out the 'process trick' of the first.

Many think they know what's going on. They don't. Then they guess for an answer and they are wrong.

Work out the first half. Totally. Look for the clues. THEN, and only then, should you attempt to apply it.




Jason's Method for Solving IQ Tests


Dear Friend,

I am glad you enjoy the tests.

This is my method for solving IQ tests:


1. Allow 30 days. Look at the pages daily.

2. Allow 1 hour for every question, minimum.

3. Only put 1 question on a page, even if it is a simple item.

4. Create MANY answers for every question. Think differently.

5. Shuffle the pages (16 pages for Asterix, etc) and re-examine daily.

6. Wait a week before sending, don't look. Then re-examine them and send.


And it's good for the brain. A good test makes you think you're right!

The great thing about my tests is that you don't know if you're right.

Rather, you'll think you might know, but that's because there's more

than one answer, usually several at different IQ levels, so aim higher!

They always have a factual basis somewhere (science, maths, philosophy)

and even though some seem wild and chaotic there's an inner order in there.


Divergence seeking convergence - so to speak - ordo ab chao.... whahahahaha!








An email I once sent about TrueIQ:


Your TrueIQ is the best score you'll ever get for accuracy.
It's 84 untimed items testing many kinds of intelligence.
It's a very solid battery of very high-level thinking, and
pits your mind against everyone else that's ever done it.


Mathema is an experimental test (vs psych testing) that measures IQ
in the range from 130 to 190 (huge range!) with only 16 questions.
60/16 = 4ish, so the answers are 4 worth points each on average.

However, it doesn't work like that.

Some items are solved by 140IQ and some require 160IQ, 

and some people's minds are able to solve a set of 3 if they are 146, 

and another set of people are able to solve a set of 4 if they are 153+, etc.

Overall, it works as a test, if normed AT OBSERVED LEVELS,
meaning, if you look at the norms, the levels are evenly spaced.
The test works as the test works, in jumps of 3 to 10 per mark.

Asterix is my most accurate test, and will always be close to your TrueIQ.

Depending on the way your mind works (verbal/numerical/spacial/divergent)
you'll do better on some items like the WIT and Asterix which are simpler,
but not as well on the specialised knowledge that is built into Lux25 and
Mathema. To make it interesting, that knowledge is encrypted and codified
with IQ-dependent processes, so even if you did have that specific knowledge,

you will also need to use IQ to unlock it; likewise, even if you are smart enough,

you still might need that physics / maths education to understanding the problem.

And yes, knowledge is a valid way of testing IQ, since smarter people learn
more, study more, are better educated, or at least, read and remember more.
So, overall, all of my tests work and will be within 10 points of your TrueIQ.

