The World Genius Directory was created by Dr Jason Betts and his infamous IQ tests are found here.
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IQ Societies and High IQ Networks list for free by sending their details to
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us on your FaceBook page.
WGD Membership Certificates can be bought here and other wonderful items can be bought here!
The WGD is a society of the World Intelligence Network - where minds meet -
NEWS - This is a free service for all high IQ people, geniuses, societies, networks and organisations.
Competitions are listed by expiry date and news items are usually listed for one calendar month.
Send in your news items by email to and please keep to the 1-line format shown.
30/06/25 Dr Jason Betts' Test of the Month - The famous : World Intelligence Test! -
30/12/25 Dr Jason Betts' timed, culture-fair, certificate, online, 40 questions, 20 minutes - The $1 IQ TEST!